KRT Trial Monitoring Program


Building upon five years of experience of the War Crimes Studies Center in trial monitoring in Sierra Leone, East Timor, Rwanda, and Indonesia, the War Crimes Studies Center, together with the East-West Center, has established a regionally-based trial monitoring program at the Khmer Rouge tribunal for the duration of the Khmer Rouge trials. The program forms one of a number of projects established by AIJI. The goals of the KRT Trial Monitoring Program are:

  1. To widen public awareness of the Khmer Rouge trials in Cambodia, in the region, and internationally, through the dissemination of weekly trial reports both describing and assessing the proceedings as they unfold; 
  2. To train young lawyers and human right workers by giving them the experience of engaging in monitoring and legal analysis at an international tribunal through our national internship program; and 
  3. To develop a regional and international network of young human rights lawyers and workers who are able to engage with justice processes and to assess their overall effectiveness.

Our weekly trial monitoring reports for Cases 001, 002/01 and 002/02 are available here and all reports have had the summary translated into Khmer.